We call O negative blood donors "universal donors" for a reason — their blood save lives in emergencies, trauma care, neonatal treatments and more every day. How? Because unlike other blood types, O negative blood can be transfused to anyone!
O negative is one of the rarer primary blood types, and because of its universal compatibility, O negative blood donors are incredibly important to maintaining a safe blood supply in our hospitals. If you're O negative and have given blood with us before, thank you! And if you haven't yet, please consider doing so. Your donation makes a massive difference in our communities.
Our Recommendation for O Negative Donors
We encourage our O negative donors to give whole blood. Additionally, given the invaluable nature of their blood, making a Power Red donation is the best way for our O negative donors to give back and save lives.
What's Power Red? With the assistance of our high-powered apheresis machines located at any of our donation centers, our Power Red donors are able to safely give double the red cells they'd be able to through traditional whole blood donation. Plus, the machine rehydrates you throughout the donation. Pretty cool!