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Blood Types: What Does Yours Mean?

Understanding your blood type can unlock important insights about your health. Curious if you're a universal donor? A universal recipient? How you can best help others?

Eight primary blood types

Want to know something amazing? Each one of our blood types is unique, determined by the combination of antigens and Rh factors working their way through our blood.

Because of those differences, though, not all blood types are compatible with one another. That's why understanding your blood type — likely one of eight primary blood types — is so important. Click on the illustration associated with your blood type below for all the info you need to know.

What Are Antigens and Rh Factors?

  • Antigens

    These are proteins or sugars that help your immune system recognize your own cells. The two main antigens are A and B, which form the foundation of the ABO blood group system. For example:

    • Type A blood has A antigens.
    • Type B blood has B antigens.
    • Type AB blood has both A and B antigens.
    • Type O blood has no A or B antigens.
  • Rh Factor

    This is another protein found on red blood cells. If you have it, your blood type is positive (e.g., A+, B+); if you don’t, your blood type is negative (e.g., A-, B-).

Don't Know Your Blood Type? We Can Help!

If you've donated at Our Blood Institute before, you can quickly find your blood type via the OBI app or through the Donor Snapshot section of the Donor Portal. And if you've never given blood, simply schedule your first donation using the link below and we'll quickly determine your blood type for you.

Schedule Your First Donation

Blood Type & Compatibility

Blood compatibility can mean the difference between life and death. The chart below shows which blood types are compatible, illustrating who can safely receive blood from whom.

An infographic explaining blood type compatibility

MORE: Can Your Blood Type Change?

Which Blood Product Is Best to Donate for Each Blood Type?

Each time you give blood, you're supporting our local hospitals and communities in need. But did you know that you can maximize your donation by giving specific blood products best suited for your blood type? It's true!

  • Whole Blood: Donors with O+ or O- blood are typically highly sought after for whole blood or Power Red donations.
  • Plasma: AB+ and AB- are universal plasma donors, making them vital for treating burn victims, clotting disorders, and immune deficiencies.
  • Platelets: While less type-specific, platelets are critical for cancer patients and surgeries. A+ and B+ donors are often excellent candidates.

Illustration of what blood is made of

But Wait... Am I Able to Give Blood?

Not sure about your blood donation eligibility? Check out our FAQ page with answers to questions about age, travel, medical history, and more. We're also just a phone call away — dial 888-308-3924 and one of our donor care representatives will be with you right away.

Let's Be Heroes!

Every two seconds, someone in America needs a blood transfusion. Fortunately, a single blood donation can save up to three people! So... are you ready to make a difference?

Schedule Your Lifesaving Donation